Implicit ByRef Modifier
Highlights implicit ByRef modifiers in user code.
VBA parameters are implicitly ByRef, which differs from modern VB (VB.NET) and most other programming languages which are implicitly ByVal. So, explicitly identifying VBA parameter mechanisms (the ByRef and ByVal modifiers) can help surface potentially unexpected language results. The inspection does not flag an implicit parameter mechanism for the last parameter of Property mutators (Let or Set). VBA applies a ByVal parameter mechanism to the last parameter in the absence (or presence!) of a modifier. Exception: UserDefinedType parameters must always be passed as ByRef.
Default severity
Inspection type
This example should trigger a result
This example should NOT trigger a result
This example should NOT trigger a result
Rubberduck.CodeAnalysis.Inspections.Concrete.ImplicitByRefModifierInspection.cs (Prerelease-v2.5.9.6289)