Public Control Field Access

Flags MSForms controls being accessed from outside the UserForm that contains them.


MSForms exposes UserForm controls as public fields; accessing these fields outside the UserForm class breaks encapsulation and couples the application logic with specific form controls rather than the data they hold. For a more object-oriented approach and code that can be unit-tested, consider encapsulating the desired values into their own 'model' class, making event handlers in the form manipulate these 'model' properties, then have the code that displayed the form query this encapsulated state as needed.

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Inspection type



This example should trigger a result

Module1 (StandardModule)
Option Explicit Public Sub Test() With New UserForm1 .Show If .ExportPathBox.Text <> vbNullString Then MsgBox .FileNameBox.Text End If End With End Sub

This example should NOT trigger a result

Module1 (StandardModule)
Option Explicit Public Sub Test() With New UserForm1 .Show If .ExportPath <> vbNullString Then MsgBox .FileName End If End With End Sub
UserForm1 (UserFormModule)
' simple solution: embed the model in the form itself, expose a getter procedure for each desired property. ' > pros: simple to implement, silences the inspection! ' > cons: view vs model responsibilities are fuzzy, intellisense get bloated, business logic is still coupled with the UI. Option Explicit Public Property Get ExportPath() As String ExportPath = ExportPathBox.Text End Property Public Property Get FileName() As String FileName = FileNameBox.Text End Property

This example should NOT trigger a result

Module1 (StandardModule)
Option Explicit Public Sub Test() Dim Model As TestModel Set Model = New TestModel With New UserForm1 Set .Model = Model .Show If Model.ExportPath <> vbNullString Then MsgBox Model.FileName End If End With End Sub
TestModel (ClassModule)
Option Explicit Private Type TModel ExportPath As String FileName As String End Type Private This As TModel Public Property Get ExportPath() As String ExportPath = This.ExportPath End Property Public Property Let ExportPath(ByVal RHS As String) This.ExportPath = RHS End Property Public Property Get FileName() As String FileName = This.FileName End Property Public Property Let FileName(ByVal RHS As String) This.FileName = RHS End Property
UserForm1 (UserFormModule)
' MVP solution: encapsulate the model data into its own data type. ' > pros: easily extended, cleanly separates data from presentation concerns; application logic can be tested independently of the form. ' > cons: Model-View-Presenter architecture requires more modules and can feel/be "overkill" for simpler scenarios. Option Explicit Private Type TView Model As TestModel End Type Private This As TView '@Description "Gets or sets Model object for this instance." Public Property Get Model() As TestModel Set Model = This.Model End Property Public Property Set Model(ByVal RHS As TestModel) Set This.Model = RHS End Property Private Sub ExportPathBox_Change() ' the export path has changed; update the model accordingly Model.ExportPath = ExportPathBox.Text End Sub Private Sub FileNameBox_Change() ' the file name has changed; update the model accordingly Model.FileName = FileNameBox.Text End Sub '...

Rubberduck.CodeAnalysis.Inspections.Concrete.PublicControlFieldAccessInspection.cs (Prerelease-v2.5.9.6289)