Fakes API

Unit tests should never pop a `MsgBox` or prompt with an `InputBox`, but what if you're trying to write a test for a method that _does_ make these calls? You could write yourself an `IMsgBox` abstraction and tests could inject an implementation that doesn't actually call `MsgBox`, but then you also need to implement and inject another class that does. By using the `Rubberduck.FakesProvider` API in your unit tests, you can ignore actual `MsgBox` calls and even configure their output to suit your needs, effectively removing the need for an abstraction here. The "fake" message box also tracks invocations, so you can assert that a message was shown with the expected parameterization. There are many more calls that can be intercepted by Rubberduck to give greater control over unit testing. See the tables below for more details. ### How?! When this API in use, Rubberduck uses the EasyHook library to hook into the VBE DLL and intercepts internal calls to functions like `rtcMsgBox`, and overrides them with the behavior configured by a Rubberduck unit test. No hooks are active when there isn't a test running, or when a test doesn't use the Fakes API. ### Setting up and verifying a fake The standard test module template defines Assert and Fakes private fields. When changed to be early-bound (needs a reference to the Rubberduck type library), the declarations and initialization look like this: '@TestModule Option Explicit Option Private Module Private Assert As Rubberduck.AssertClass Private Fakes As Rubberduck.FakesProvider '@ModuleInitialize Public Sub ModuleInitialize() Set Assert = CreateObject("Rubberduck.AssertClass") Set Fakes = CreateObject("Rubberduck.FakesProvider") End Sub An example sub that we might want to test is `SayHello` which displays an `InputBox` and then displays a `MsgBox`. We'd like to test the output message automatically... Public Sub SayHello() Dim name As String name = InputBox("Enter your name") MsgBox "Hello " + name End Sub Out test method needs to first setup the behaviour of these VBA functions before calling the `SayHello` sub. Then we can even check the output is as expected. We add this code to the test module: '@TestMethod Private Sub TestSayHello() 'Setup the behaviour of methods we want to fake Fakes.MsgBox.Returns vbYes Fakes.InputBox.Returns "Rubberduck Fan" 'Call the sub we want to test SayHello 'Check the output Fakes.MsgBox.Verify.Parameter Fakes.Params.MsgBox.Prompt, "Hello Rubberduck Fan" End Sub When executing this method from the Rubberduck Test Explorer window, we will see that the test passes and there is no user interaction at all! ### What else can we fake? The `Fakes` interface exposes the following members:

NameDescriptionParameter names
MsgBoxConfigures `VBA.Interaction.MsgBox` calls`Fakes.Params.MsgBox`
InputBoxConfigures `VBA.Interaction.InputBox` calls`Fakes.Params.InputBox`
BeepConfigures `VBA.Interaction.Beep` calls
EnvironConfigures `VBA.Interaction.Environ` calls`Fakes.Params.Environ`
TimerConfigures `VBA.DateTime.Timer` calls`Fakes.Params.Shell`
DoEventsConfigures VBA.Interaction.DoEvents calls
ShellConfigures `VBA.Interaction.Shell` calls
SendKeysConfigures `VBA.Interaction.SendKeys` calls`Fakes.Params.SendKeys`
KillConfigures `VBA.FileSystem.Kill` calls`Fakes.Params.Kill`
MkDirConfigures `VBA.FileSystem.MkDir` calls`Fakes.Params.MkDir`
RmDirConfigures `VBA.FileSystem.RmDir` calls`Fakes.Params.RmDir`
ChDirConfigures `VBA.FileSystem.ChDir` calls`Fakes.Params.ChDir`
ChDriveConfigures `VBA.FileSystem.ChDrive` calls`Fakes.Params.ChDrive`
CurDirConfigures `VBA.FileSystem.CurDir` calls`Fakes.Params.CurDir`
NowConfigures `VBA.DateTime.Now` calls
TimeConfigures `VBA.DateTime.Time` calls
DateConfigures `VBA.DateTime.Date` calls
Rnd*Configures `VBA.Math.Rnd` calls`Fakes.Params.Rnd`
GetAllSettings*Configures `VBA.Interaction.GetAllSettings` calls
DeleteSetting*Configures `VBA.Interaction.DeleteSetting` calls`Fakes.Params.DeleteSetting`
SaveSetting*Configures `VBA.Interaction.SaveSetting` calls`Fakes.Params.SaveSetting`
Randomize*Configures `VBA.Math.Randomize` calls`Fakes.Params.Randomize`
SetAttr*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.SetAttr` calls`Fakes.Params.SetAttr`
GetAttr*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.GetAttr` calls`Fakes.Params.GetAttr`
FileLen*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.FileLen` calls`Fakes.Params.FileLen`
FileDateTime*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.FileDateTime` calls`Fakes.Params.FileDateTime`
FreeFile*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.FreeFile` calls`Fakes.Params.FreeFile`
IMEStatus*Configures `VBA.Information.IMEStatus` calls
Dir*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.Dir` calls`Fakes.Params.Dir`
FileCopy*Configures `VBA.FileSystem.FileCopy` calls`Fakes.Params.FileCopy`
Note: Items marked with `*` are currently only available in pre-release builds. Similarly for the `Fakes.Params` parameter names. ### Verification methods Sometimes you will just be checking the result of the method being tested in which case the Rubberduck Assert class provides various test methods. Further test functionality is provided through the `Verify` interface which tracks how often a faked method is called and what the parameters passed where e.g. `Fakes.Beep.Verify.Once` would be a test that the `Beep` function was called exactly once. The full set of verification methods available through the `Verify` interface is:
AtLeastVerifies that the faked procedure was called a specified minimum number of times.
AtLeastOnceVerifies that the faked procedure was called one or more times.
AtMostVerifies that the faked procedure was called a specified maximum number of times.
AtMostOnceVerifies that the faked procedure was not called or was only called once.
BetweenVerifies that the number of times the faked procedure was called falls within the supplied range.
ExactlyVerifies that the faked procedure was called a specified number of times.
NeverVerifies that the faked procedure was called exactly 0 times.
OnceVerifies that the faked procedure was called exactly one time.
ParameterVerifies that the value of a given parameter to the faked procedure matches a specific value.
ParameterInRangeVerifies that the value of a given parameter to the faked procedure falls within a specified range.
ParameterIsPassedVerifies that an optional parameter was passed to the faked procedure. The value is not evaluated.
ParameterIsTypeVerifies that the passed value of a given parameter was of a type that matches the given type name.
The `Parameter`, `ParameterInRange`, `ParameterIsPassed`, and `ParameterIsType` methods take the name of the parameter to check as a string. To make this easy to get right, the `Fakes.Params` property can be used to provide these strings with the benefit of Intellisense. ### Additional features The `IFake` interface exposes members for the setup/configuration of fakes:
AssignsByRefConfigures the fake such as an invocation assigns the specified value to the specified ByRef argument *(not implemented yet)*.
PassthroughGets/sets whether invocations should pass through to the native call.
RaisesErrorConfigures the fake such as an invocation raises the specified run-time error.
ReturnsConfigures the fake such as the specified invocation returns the specified value.
ReturnsWhenConfigures the fake such as the specified invocation returns the specified value given a specific parameter value.
VerifyGets an interface for verifying invocations performed during the test. See Verification methods above.
The `Returns` and `ReturnsWhen` methods are only available when the function being faked actually has a return value. If you have repeated calls to a VBA function in the method to be tested, it is possible to set the return values specifically for each call. For example, if your code calls the `Rnd` function twice to control two nested branches within your code, you can check all possible paths through the code by setting different return values for specific invocations of the VBA function through the optional `Invocation` parameter e.g. `Fakes.Rnd.Returns 0.1, 1` and `Fakes.Rnd.Returns 0.9, 2` would set separate return values for the first and second calls respectively.